Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A year ago...

A year ago, I had a small being in my body.
She shared my food, my movements, everything.
She wiggled at night, and had the hiccups.
She stretched out as she got cramped in there.

A year ago, I started cramping.
She was ready to come out!
She made her presence known.
Slowly she finally made her appearance.

A year ago, a baby was born.
Such a beautiful little girl.
She was so perfect in every way.
She was our shining star.

A year ago, I never understood.
She has taught me so much.
She has shown me so much.
We grow together every day.

A year ago, I didn't know love.
How could I possibly love like this?
How could she possibly love me?
How could I possibly love anything more than her?

A year ago I met my lovely little girl, 
and my life has never been the same.

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