Sunday, November 22, 2009

In Saskatchewan

In Saskatchewan, we have huge skies.
We can see from horizon to horizon.
In Saskatchewan, we have four seasons.
From hot like the desert to cold like the Arctic.
In Saskatchewan, we relish the summer.
It is short, but it is so sweet.

In Saskatchewan, there is a sea of green.
We proudly support our teams.
In Saskatchewan, there is no band wagon.
We are loyal through and through.
In Saskatchewan, there is football.
Not just a game, but a way of life.

In Saskatchewan, we are family.
We are small and know a lot of each other.
In Saskatchewan, there is love.
Love of our province, and our people.
In Saskatchewan, there is support.
No matter who needs it, it will be there.

In Saskatchewan, we have many farms.
We feed all the world.
In Saskatchewan, we are proud.
Tough times has made us so.
In Saskatchewan, we don't shy from work.
Hard work had made us who we are.

We are few, but we are proud.
Proud and strong.
God bless Saskatchewan!

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